This year, I took Ryley to two local pumpkin patches with the playgroup. The first pumpkin patch was at a local church and he had to skip his morning nap to be able to go. In the beginning I started to doubt why I even tried to go in the first place! He was so cranky without his nap and wasn't having much fun. They had several little sections where you could go and visit and learn about pumpkins and he wanted nothing to do with this. He just wanted to run around. He enjoyed the hay ride and really enjoyed himself once we were amongst all the pumpkins! It was worth it in the end!
The second pumpkin patch was at another local church where we also had our playgroups Halloween party. It was a lot of fun, and I am so glad I am apart of the group. They really are a great outlet for me and Ryley. I like that we have tons to do instead of sitting at home!