Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ryley's post op

So Aug 12 was Ryley's post op and 3 weeks since he had his cleft palate surgery. Dr Gottschalk said everything looked good, and that he could go back to eating normal foods again! yay! Ryley was given an all liquid diet for those 3 weeks and he did very well but he was so glad to be able to eat his beloved fruit puffs again. He loves those things! A week or so later he was be able to try using a sippy cup with a valve. It proved to be much harder for him than you might think. He's never been able to create suction, so it took some practice. Finally he has learned how to suck and loves his sippy! He drink so much more now that he can do it on his own and not have us hold and help him.


The Teacup Cottage said...

Hey Sweetie! I guess we'll just keep running into each other online ... and they said the web was big! I have two blogs, one on military life (A Cup of Tea) and a second one I restarted (A Teacup Collector's Cottage (see where I'm going with it all ...) Stop by if you get a chance.

Ashley, Seth & Kyler said...

Yay! That is great that he can start eating normal food again! Kyler loves the puffs too! That's good that he can drink out of a sippy now! Kyler is still struggling with that one. I hope that he gets it soon.